Testimonials below are from a series of PDP Webinars for companies and municipality leaders in Malaysia as part of the UN's Seacircular four-year program on plastic pollution reduction in South East Asia.
March, 2020

Director, Group Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability
The HongKong and Shanghai Hotels Ltd
“When we developed our single use plastic strategy, we had to make sense of our current situation. The questions in the PDP guided us into understanding our impacts and how we could address them. We definitely recommend using PDP as a tool in developing any plastic strategy so one can identify and focus on the areas where they can make the most impact”

Senior Analyst, Sustainable & Climate Resilient Cities,
Malaysian Green Technology & Climate Change Centre
Thank you so much for the Plastic Disclosure Project's webinars last week. This project is a tool that can enable us to measure, manage and report plastic use and disposal. Companies are able to mitigate risks, maximize opportunities, and end of the day, they can become more successful and sustainable. This will contribute to their income generation and brand image.
Companies also can further integrate effective waste management into mainstream businesses. This project also enables us to raise awareness, to address issues and identify what needs to be done.

Region Head, Corporate Regulatory & Scientific Affairs, Nestle and Founding Member, CEC Kuala Lumpur
It was useful to understand the key metrics used for the PDP, which can help to address the big gap identified between global consumption, recycling and waste infrastructure. The PDP can encourage efficiencies and identify opportunities for 2nd life plastics.
Through PDP, key stakeholders (local government, businesses, investors, etc) are able to make better informed decisions with the reported data. For Nestle commitments and initiatives, please refer to our site.

"We participated in PDP since early 2020, and helps to understand what plastics can be removed or replaced from the hotel environment. PDP not only creates awareness, but gives the stakeholders ideas on how to remove plastic packaging or finding replacements for plastic packaging."
Hew Jenn Mun, Acting Assistant Manager Sustainablility Development of Sunway Resort

“We are excited to be part of the PDP Sport program, and to be the first sporting event in Turkey to be fully engaged on this topic of plastic waste reduction, particularly given that this is our 30th anniversary of the event.”
Mr. Nihat Usta, the President of the Bosphorus Committee of Turkish Olympic Committee.
As a plastic packaging producer participating in PDP, we found that several organisations were not aware that plastics bags and other stretchable plastics can be recycled with value. We want to expand this project further to create incentives and disseminate information to a wider audience to create circular economy that sustains industrial operations while maintaining environmental quality.
TPBI Public Company Limited
The professional and proactive team at PDP supported and encouraged us to achieve a better plastic management strategy for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly business. Through PDP we have been able to set targets for our company to reduce and recycle our plastic materials.
Roderic Chieng, Group Managing Director and CEO, Esthetics Group International Berhad

PDP was able to help create market value for single use plastics and explore technology innovative
mini-manufacturing kiosks for starting a small scale circular economy for single used plastics alongside the School of Material and Mineral Resources University Sains Malaysia
Chew Eng Seng
Local Agenda 21 Officer
Seberang Perai City Council

The PDP team guided us through the process of idendifying our own gaps using life-cycle analysis techniques and brainstorm plastic reduction potential using webinars and focus groups discussion. Further enhancing our Say No to All Plastic (SNAP) Campaign.
Ralph Dixon,
Director of Environmental Investments and CEO
YTL Corporation Berhad
Penang Green Council feels that PDP is a good project and should be utilised as a platform to bridge the gap between Government Departments and the Private Sector. The first webinar session has provided new insights into the private sector’s potential, given the flexibility and also the opportunity to be creative since there are no actual or rigid targets on plastics yet.
The disclosure of plastic use and waste management strategies by private companies and institutions is highly encouraged here, and I believe the PDP is one of the most essential drivers to make things happen. Besides that, the project guidelines will inspire the stakeholders in changing the packaging design, promote use of new materials and incorporate recycling in their production.
The training has provided valuable inputs for the PGC team to further develop the case studies in Penang and also get stakeholders on board.
Josephine Tan Mei Ling
General Manager, Penang Green Council