If you are a company (big or small), institution or municipality, you can create a baseline overview of your plastic use, recovery and waste flows.
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The Plastic Disclosure Project (PDP) allows you to determine a baseline of your plastic use, recovery, re-use and waste generation. This information will give you the knowledge and management information needed so that you can make important and significant gains on plastic pollution reduction, while moving into a Circular Economy system. We have surveys for the manufacturing industry, service industry, and for municipalities, each of which may not produce products directly, but which aggregates waste via the use of materials and products in their operations, such as airports, stadiums, universities, hospitals and communities they serve.
We encourage you to undertake the PDP, giving you greatly expanded knowledge and capacity on how best to engage your employees, customers, procurement teams, designers and marketing departments. This information will allow you to take the lead in your space and industry, designing products and services that can be used in the circular economy, without the waste footprint. Please contact us for more information.
Click Here to undertake the survey, courtesy of our partners, Get Feedback and SalesForce.
Increase efficiency in resource use via measurement of materials used and recovered for second-life value
Greatly enhance the ability to move into a circular economy by knowing your outputs, recovered materials, and how much recycled content you may be using
Reduce overall plastic waste in the environment
Encourage sustainable business practices vis-a-vis the use of plastic, but without the waste footprint
Inspire improved design & innovative solutions that can scale across industries and countries, creating jobs along the way
Create an annual reporting mechanism for baseline measurement of plastic use and best practice management strategies for movement to a circular economy
Encourage efficiencies in plastic use, reuse and recycling, with reduced unnecessary waste or packaging
Broaden awareness of risks to brands and investors associated with the use of inefficient plastic in products and packaging, while also highlighting the positive opportunities that come from better management and focus on bringing value to plastic in its second-life, for a world with reduced waste