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Testimonials below are from a series of PDP Webinars for companies and municipality leaders in Malaysia (March, 2020), as part of the UN's Seacircular four-year program on plastic pollution reduction in South East Asia.  

“Penang Green Council feels that PDP is a good project and should be utilised as a platform to bridge the gap between Government Departments and the Private Sector.  The first webinar session has provided new insights into the private sector’s potential, given the flexibility and also the opportunity to be creative since there are no actual or rigid targets on plastics yet.  The disclosure of plastic use and waste management strategies by private companies and institutions is highly encouraged here, and I believe the PDP is one of the most essential drivers to make things happen. Besides that, the project guidelines will inspire the stakeholders in changing the packaging design, promote use of new materials and incorporate recycling in their production.  The training has provided valuable inputs for the PGC team to further develop the case studies in Penang and also get stakeholders on board”. - Josephine Tan Mei Ling, General Manager, Penang Green Council

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