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National or State Parks play a key role in educating the public about environmental protection. By default, many of the people going to the parks to enjoy the outdoor assets are already supporters of sustainability and preservation of our natural assets. The PDP Parks program uses the methodology of the Plastic Disclosure Project in order to help park management to understand how to minimize waste issues within the park, improve recycling, and reduce materails which may not be needed in the first place, so that costs for waste management services are reduced. By showing leadership in this respect, parks can proudly discuss education and best practices on waste reduction and recycling in settings where the public is more likely to absorb this type of engagement and awareness building.
The PDP Parks document lays out guidelines to assist park operators with planning and a scorecard to help evaluate progress towards certification as a PDP Park. As you will see, these guidelines should be very achievable for many participants. For parks that already pride themselves on their sustainability, they should stretch further and seek ISO certification in their operations. Contact us if you are a park operator or would like to be part of the PDP Park program.