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联合国环境署报告:塑料污染威胁海洋生态环境: UNEP Report: Plastic Pollution threatens the marine environment

By China News Network Staff

- Published on June 24, 2014 by China News Network

2014年06月24日 14:25 来源:中国新闻网 参与互动(0)

  中新网6月24日电 据联合国网站报道,首届联合国环境大会6月23日于内罗毕开幕。当天会上发布的两份报告指出,海洋里大量的塑料垃圾日益威胁到海洋生物的生存以及旅游业、渔业和商业的发展,据保守估计,塑料垃圾每年给海洋生态系统造成的经济损失高达130亿美元。

  《联合国环境规划署2014年年鉴》回顾了过去十年报告关注的十大紧迫环境问题,包括海洋里的塑料垃圾。同时,由环境署支持,塑料披露项目(the Plastic Disclosure Project)和“真实成本”(Trucost)联合发布的《评估塑料的价值》报告发现,消费品行业的塑料使用每年消耗的自然资本达750亿美元。



BEIJING, June 24, According to the UN website two reports released that day at the meeting pointed out that a large amount of plastic waste in the ocean, is a growing threat to the survival and development of marine organisms, tourism, fisheries and commerce. According to conservative estimates, the economic losses plastic waste causes is up to $13 billion USD annually.


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