Oak Foundation commits its resources to address issues of global social and environmental concern, particularly those that have a major impact on the lives of the disadvantaged. Oak Foundation, a group of charitable and philanthropic organisations, has given more than 2,400 grants to not-for-profit organisations to address issues as diverse as marine conservation, homelessness and human rights. The resources of Oak Foundation come from Alan Parker who helped establish the Duty Free Shoppers business, a successful retail chain.
Oak Foundation was formally established in 1998 in Geneva, Switzerland. The first two programmes to get underway were Environment and Child Abuse, followed by four other substantive programmes — Housing and Homelessness, International Human Rights, Issues Affecting Women and Learning Differences. There is also a Special Interest Grants Programme, which funds a range of efforts identified by the Trustees that do not fall into the other programme areas, and two national programmes in Denmark and Zimbabwe.