By Plastic Disclosure Project
- Published on January 25, 2018 by Plastic Disclosure Project

H. SH. Prince Albert stated that “plastic pollution was probably one of the most urgent issues to address, given its tragic consequences on marine biodiversity and its adverse impact on human health”.
The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation has positioned ocean conservation at the heart of its mission and more than 60 % of its projects are dedicated to taking action in this field. Therefore he valued “the sound initiatives developed by the Ocean Recovery Alliance to reduce ocean pollutions”.
He stressed the fact that through the use of the Plastic Disclosure Project and the Global Alert Platform, “Mr. Woodring has structured innovative prevention programs for plastic waste reduction”, and “brought to light the power of dialogue and cooperation between the various stakeholders, from the citizens’ level to the business industry and the governmental levels, to minimize the amount of plastic spread into our environment and favor a better collection and recycling process.”